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The Zurich Globalist

Welcome / Willkommen / Bienvenue / Benvenuti / Beinvegni

The Zurich Globalist is a student-run magazine about international affairs, which was founded in spring 2011. It is produced, edited and distributed by students from various fields and levels at University of Zurich. On this website, you'll find the current and past issues for reading and download as well as further information on how to get involved or how to support us. Enjoy!


We're looking for new editors!

We're on hiatus for this fall semester, but we already started working on our spring issue. At the moment, we're looking for people who would like to join our editorial team. If you're interested in becoming an editor for the Zurich Globalist feel free to contact us!


Download our latest issue here!


You can download it here or get your hard copy at the IPZ or the Hauptgebäude at UZH.

Issue VIII Uproar (PDF, 6 MB)


Weiterführende Informationen

Download our latest issue

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